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Ellipse, Lorraine Shemesh, 1998

ISBN 1-928863-05-1

Inside this superb premier issue you'll find new writing by Daphne Merkin, Carl Watson, Stanley Crouch, Madison Smartt Bell, Kenneth Koch, and much more, including a conversation with John Updike.
RR/1 cover art: Larry Rivers
here to read more about it.

ISBN 1-928863-07-8

Featuring new fiction by established writers, new voices in fiction and essays, and a new translation of Bubu of Montparnasse, Charles-Louis Philippe's short modernist classic. Also, Clancy Sigal, Robert Bly, Tomaz Salamun, Binnie Kirschenbaum and more, and an art portfolio by Belgian artist Eugeen Van Mieghem.
RR/2 cover art: Eugeen Van Miegham
here to read more about it. |

ISBN 1-928863-08-6

Including "Report from the Mediterranean" with its myriad voices. Reading Room/3 offers readers writing by Amos Oz, Fanny Rubio and Angel Vasquez, as well as an artportfolio from Spanish artist Gonzalo Torné.
RR/3 cover art: Gonzalo Torné
here to read more about it. |

ISBN 1-928863-09-4

Featuring fiction from Joseph Roth, Juan Goytisolo,
Thomas McGonigle, and much more. Drawings by William Anthony and an essay
by Judith Stein on "Richard Artschwager and the New York Art World
in the 60s," are this issue's insights into art.
RR/4 cover art: Larry Rivers, Portrait of Joseph Roth
here to read more about it. |

ISBN 1-928863-10-8

This special issue was devoted entirely
to the feisty women who ushered in modernism in literature and art, and
the Little Magazine Movement is as significant a literary landmark as
the 1913 Armory Show is to art. The women who founded these ground-breaking
literary magazines were hugely adventurous; they wanted to be at the
Modernist epicenter of the literary endeavor.
Cover art: Guillermo Peréz Villalta
here to read more about it. |

ISBN 1-928863-11-6
This issue honors Saul Bellow and
Larry Rivers. Using the language and adventure of the urban frontier,
they transformed the shape of American fiction and art from the 1950s
on. They loved to talk and they loved little magazines. Both were on
our founding Board and will be forever missed.
RR/6 cover art: Larry Rivers
here to read more about it. |

ISBN 1-928863-12-4 |
This issue features two superb international firsts: the debut publication in the English language of Journal de Trêve by the extraordinary
French novelist Frédéric Berthet and the rediscovery
of Jenny Ballou’s lost memoir Spanish Prelude. Jenny Ballou’s “Café Revolutionaries” (from Spanish
Prelude), is one of the most lucid accounts of the intellectual
firmament in Spain just prior to the birth of the Spanish Republic.
RR/7 cover art: Wendy Marks
here to read more about it. |
All material and writing ©2009 The Reading Room. All rigihts reserved.
All art is copyright of artists shown. Any reproduction of material herein is prohibited.
The Reading Room is Published by Great Marsh Press. | |
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