Cover: Larry Rivers, Personage on the Lam II.
Portrait of the Cuban artist Wilfredo Lam |
Current Issue
ISBN 1-928863-12-4
For the first time in one volume, THE READING ROOM presents to an American public the greats of contemporary Spanish literature. Juan Benet, Juan Goytisolo, Juan Marsé, Jorge Semprún, Ángel Vázquez, and Manuel Fernández Montesinos (the nephew of Federico García Lorca) were children during the Spanish Civil War, and their sensibility is permeated with the memory of that war. In their stylistic innovations, literary rebelliousness and opposition to the Franco era, their work has been the formative model for the next generation of writers in contemporary Spain.
on this issue...
ISBN 1-928863-12-4
This issue features
two superb international firsts: the debut publication in the English
language of Journal de Trêve by the extraordinary
French novelist Frédéric Berthet and the rediscovery
of Jenny Ballou’s lost memoir Spanish Prelude. The
two excerpts from Journal de Trêve , “Truce” & “Letter
to Saul Bellow” (translated by Linda Coverdale) are introduced
by Norbert Cassegrain, Berthet’s editor and close friend until
Berthet’s untimely early death on Christmas Day 2003. Jenny
Ballou’s “Café Revolutionaries” (from Spanish
Prelude), is one of the most lucid accounts of the intellectual
firmament in Spain just prior to the birth of the Spanish Republic.
Cover: Reading Room 7: Wendy Marks
on this issue...
IT'S DEBATABLE is one of the new columns in the on-line READING ROOM. Our intent in the spirit of the famed little magazines of the twentieth century is casual — a smallish number of writers will talk to each other, arguing, agreeing or furious. Our first piece, coming out just days after Elizabeth Taylor's death, is Clancy Sigal's very special homage to her. Perhaps because she seemed to belong to all of us. Sigal, who holds a Pen USA lifetime achievement, actually met (flirted) with Elizabeth when he was a young screen agent just before he moved to England during the McCarthy era. Among his most known novels are "Going Away", "Weekend In Dinlock", and "A Woman of Uncertain Character", a memoir of his socialist union organizer mother. His essays have appeared everywhere and he is a steady contributor to "The Guardian." Click here to enter |
Granada, Mario Muchnik, 1999
in The Reading Room,
past and present issues:
Madison Smartt Bell · Saul Bellow · Binnie Kirshenbaum · Stanley Crouch · Elizabeth Gaffney · Juan Goytisolo · Don L. Maggin · Joseph Roth · Daphne Merkin · Amos Oz · Larry Rivers · Fanny Rubio · José Saramago · Barbara Probs Solomon · Maria Solomon · Carl Watson · Conversations: Saul Bellow · Larry Rivers · John Updike Art Portfolios: William Anthony · Richard Artshwager · Marcel Duchamp · Gonzalo Torné · Eugeen Van Mieghem